Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ochsenhirt's accomplishments on city council...

Nathan Ochsenhirt ran an unsuccessful campaign for city council in the fall of 2007. The citizens did not elect him for office but because of the council seat vacancy created by Heather Jackson becoming mayor, he was appointed a councilman anyway. I looked to see what accomplishments he has personally had during his past 2 years on the council and it seems that he wants to take credit for the same things as the other challenging councilman does; parks, roads and sewer plant improvements. I am interested to know what new parks, aside from the park in his own neighborhood,or any improvements to existing parks that he drove? Improvements in roads have been a steady checklist of Chris Trusty, the city engineer, determining which roads are in the worst condition and having them systematically fixed. Sewer plant improvements, really Nate, you were a “driving force” in this? According to the 2008-2009 budget, there was $9.1 million allocated for the Sewer Treatment Plant which was deferred from the 2007-2008 budget. So how were you a driving force for something that had started before you were even on the council? Nate’s involvement while on city council has been minimal. I will take an active role in working with residents of Eagle Mountain to ensure our needs are heard and met. I believe there are two parts of a city’s accomplishments, one, those things the city staff is expected to complete and two, the agenda items from the city council that represent the wants and needs of the citizens.


  1. Complaining about the current officials is not going to win you any votes.

  2. My intentions are to educate. I know that its difficult for each resident to dig through previous fiscal year budgets and read through city council meeting minutes, so I hope to shed some clarity to what has been accomplished and what has not. I have been called out as to what I mean when I say I want "transparency" from our government, to me that means taking individual credit only for those things that you were instrumental in accomplishing and not those items that have been in the works for several years.

  3. What you need to do is point out what you are doing already that the current council is not. IF you just tell residents what others aren't doing that you will do, it will be very tough to get elected. We need to see that you are already doing things that others aren't and will continue to do those things and more. A nice guy with good intentions will have a tough time getting elected with a good guy with no controversies who is already serving. Also I haven't decided who to vote for yet, but Nathan did win by popular vote. He had the next highest vote total after the first three who were elected. It was just a matter of whether or not Heather Jackson would be elected mayor, which she was.

  4. To "Anonymous":

    I want to ask you a serious question. Perhaps you are the same person who has told John on various posts that pointing out what other council members have or have not done will not get him elected. That much is true. However, if he didn't point it out, would you have found out for yourself?

    I get tired of people who have a knee-jerk reaction and look at everything that one candidate points out about another's record as "dirty politics" or "name-calling." We've all seen dirty politics in the past (the ads with past candidates marriage "records" and financial ups and downs in the past election would qualify), but looking at an opponents record and pointing it out is not what I would classify as dirty.

    John has not said anything bad personally about Nate at all, but simply has showed that he hasn't done much while serving as our city councilman.

    Wouldn't it be more prudent on our part to check the veracity of John's statements rather than simply call him on the carpet for what he has said?

    Adults can and should be able to make, hear and read statements regarding political candidates, even if they are your opponent. (And they should expect their records to be questioned by opponents if they run for office.) If the statements aren't true, then let's find out and then tell John what he's doing is wrong.
